Pastor Column: Divino Afflante Spiritu I

[Note: This is not the Sunday Homily. It is an article for the bulletin of June 12, 2022]           Next in our tour of papal documents is Pope Pius XII’s encyclical Divino Afflante Spiritu, which translates to “Inspired by the Divine Spirit.” It is Pius XII’s teaching on the interpretation of Sacred Scripture, which he published on the feast of St. Jerome, September 30, 1943. At that point in time, there was a growing interest in applying archaeological and linguistic methods to the study of scripture. Pope Leo XIII had given permission to use newer critical methods of studying scripture...Read More

Pastor Column: Rerum Novarum VI

From the bulletin of December 27, 2020      Continuing our journey through Pope Leo XIII’s landmark document, we pick up this week with how the government should view religion and family. First, the pope lays out the principle that “the State must not absorb the individual or the family; both should be allowed free and untrammeled action so far as is consistent with the common good and the interest of others.” For this reason, “the safety of the commonwealth” is the reason for government’s existence and it is therefore its primary responsibility.      But this does not boil down to...Read More