Your Body Matters to God: Homily for the 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time, 2024

2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time, B                                                                    January 14, 2024Fr. Alexander Albert                                                              St. John the Evangelist, Jeanerette “Why would the all-powerful God be so worried about what people do in their bedroom?” Critics of the Church’s teaching on sexuality love to ask that kind of question. They want to imply or even explicitly say that the Church is too obsessed with sex and that, to God, it’s not really a big deal. “Do what you want! Your sex life isn’t important enough for him to notice!” We have an answer, though. It’s meant as a rhetorical question or a lazy criticism,...Read More

Homily for the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God: God’s Resemblance

Mary, Mother of God                                                                                     January 1, 2023Fr. Alexander Albert                                                               St. John the Evangelist, Jeanerette What is a “person?” There are many questions and debates around personhood. Is it intelligence that makes a person? Free will? A soul? These are all important facets, but for human beings, a person is usually associated with something tangible. You cannot see the essence of a person in the abstract, but you can picture their face, recognize their voice, recall a scent, remember an embrace. Of these, perhaps none is more emblematic of a person than their face. Babies are naturally interested...Read More