Why Did You Crucify Him? Homily for Palm Sunday 2024

Palm Sunday, B                                                                                              March 24, 2024Fr. Alexander Albert                                                              St. John the Evangelist, Jeanerette https://youtu.be/NlpiiMfHXWI Why did you crucify Jesus? In a span of 45 minutes, you went from hailing his entrance to shouting, “Crucify him.” What did you do or not do that led you to that point? What motivated you? Money? Pride? Comfort? Power? Popularity? Entertainment? Are you like Judas who first plots against Jesus in response to his waste of money? It’s right after he complains about the woman “wasting” the super valuable ointment that he plots against Jesus. If we let money and valuable things grab hold...Read More

What Is Chosen: Homily for the 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time

28th Sunday of Ordinary Time, A                                                                   October 15, 2023Fr. Alexander Albert                                                               St. John the Evangelist, Jeanerette https://youtu.be/dFZ1EfAg8as Beating the messengers again! Just last week Jesus told us about people who killed the messengers rather than pay their rent. I offered the hypothetical explanation that the tenants of the vineyard had no fruit to give, so they responded to their shame and fear by killing whoever threatened to expose it. Indeed, we often respond to God in the same way – lashing out whenever he dares to touch on our sins, wounds, and weaknesses. Afraid of how demanding God...Read More

What That Power Can Do: Homily for Pentecost Sunday

Pentecost Sunday                                                                                            May 28, 2023Fr. Alexander Albert                                                               St. John the Evangelist, Jeanerette https://youtu.be/3Hrt3-06meQ Have you thought about it? About what you would do with more power? For those of you who weren’t at the 4pm Mass last week, I asked everyone to consider what they would do with more power. I explained that Jesus had all power in heaven and on earth and used it on a single command: “go make disciples, baptizing them…” I explained that power is not found in fear and coercion, but in the ability to give others the freedom to choose what is...Read More

Homily for the 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time, C: Worries of Wealth

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, C                                                                   September 25, 2022Fr. Alexander Albert                                                               St. John the Evangelist, Jeanerette https://youtu.be/j3869UiivJk There’s not much room for soft balling here: Jesus talks about caring for the poor so much and there’s only so many ways to rephrase it. So, I’ll keep it pretty straightforward. Care for the poor or you will go to hell. The rich man didn’t kill anyone. It doesn’t say that he lied or stole or cheated or commit adultery or skip church. It simply says he was rich and comfortable while Lazarus was poor. Then...Read More